Tuesday, October 26, 2010

James 3

James 3

This is a great passage of scripture. Lot's to take from it, and being that we are such noticeable faces in our church, it greatly applies to us! Pay particular attention to vs 13-18. When we are involved in a ministry such as ours, this can easily be something that our enemy uses to deceive us. Let us not fall into such temptations.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Romans 14

Romans 14

I think this is a good piece of scripture to meditate on this week. Let's make no mistake here. This passage is not just about food and drink. It's about our lives and the way we carry ourselves. I think if we took the time to really investigate ourselves, we'd see that sometimes we say or do things that may cause our brother or sister to stumble. We are all guilty of this, me first and foremost. As we continue to seek after God, let us be aware of the things that stand in each others way. Ultimately, these things will stand in the way of us growing closer to God. As always, we'll get into this deeper Sunday morning.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


James 1:22-27

James is a butt-spanking book! I love it! This excerpt that we'll be discussing is an interesting piece of scripture. I would highly recommend that you read the entire chapter. I would even more so highly recommend that you read the whole book. It won't take you long. James is a short book. But there is a ton of stuff in here that we could talk about for the next year. Seriously! Anyway, give it a look and we'll talk about it Sunday. Several of you were slackers last week! LOL make sure you read this week! I'm going to ask one of you to lead this time this week. You won't know who until Sunday! :)


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Luke 5

Luke 5:27-32

This is one of the most famous excerpts in all of scripture. But there is an underlying lesson here. This one is not hidden and it's not very hard to see if you really read and examine the text, so... no itunes gift card this week, but I do want to see who gets it, if for no other reason than for bragging rights.

Read the passage, pray about it, and ask God to reveal something to you this week. We'll gather, as always, Sunday morning to discuss. I look forward to what you all have to say. Also, during this time, if there's something that you've been reading on for awhile and have some good insight into something that you think God would want you to share with all of us, please do so! Remember, we study the scriptures not just for our own benefit, but for others' benefit, as well.

Love y'all
