Monday, December 14, 2009

Romans 10

Romans 10

Hey guys, it's Philip Organ filling in for the busiest man alive. Paul continues the conversation from chapter 9 about faith vs. following the law, and then speaks to some very important truths in this chapter. I just wanted to start this week's blog by asking a few questions that I heard as I read this chapter:

1) Do the descriptions of the Israelites in this passage sound a little like us? (Disobedient and Rebellious, misdirected zeal, clinging to their own way instead of God's)

2) Are we living sent lives, or are we sharing the gospel in our comfort zones?

3) How can someone believe if they haven't heard, and how do we know if they have heard?

I think Paul was teaching me through these questions, and causing me to look at myself and figure out where I stand on these topics, and more importantly, what am I doing about it.

Ultimately, to me this passage speaks to some fundamental truths of our walk with Christ, and that is that we must hear, believe, and confess to find the salvation that is offered to us through faith. Do you remember, or can you put your finger on when you heard the Gospel? Maybe you are like me in that you were raised in the church and so it was not very far away. Can you recall when you chose to believe what you had heard? If you are like me, you rode the coat tails of your parents' faith, followed their rules, and therefore you felt like a "Christian" all along. But when did you choose for yourself that these truths meant something more to you? Can you remember the last time you confessed? If you are like me, you are not repentant enough and allow sin to cripple you and you get complacent and forget to confess. I needed to be reminded of this today, what did you find in this passage?


Monday, December 7, 2009

Romans 9

Hey everyone, welcome to chapter 9 of Romans.

This can be difficult to read for some of you. And others will have questions about this. That's okay. This is actually a very big discussion between the staff, pastors and Elders right now.... what is our stance on the interpretation of what paul is saying here. (and other scriptures that reference this same subject matter) You see, we somehow think that, because we have the ability to rationalize within our own brains, we can presume to know why God would allow some to have their hearts hardened or just rather take the stance of what Paul says in verse 21, that when a potter makes a jar, doesn't he have the right to choose to create one for enjoyment and one to throw trash into?

The problem at the end of the day is.... we always wonder why it's okay for God to choose to save some and not others, when we should be reveling in the fact that he chose to save us! It is our job to serve Him and worship Him. Not to decide who should be saved and who shouldn't. It's our job to evangelize His message so that, just as scripture says, those whom He has "drawn" near to Him, will hear His voice and message and answer that call.

This is a BIG, HUGE subject. I know that some of you will read it, post on it, and then think about it for the next few days. And then you'll begin to have questions, doubts, and speculations. I just want you to know. When that happens, don't try to just piece it all together for yourself. You have a staff of Pastors and Elders. We are all studying this subject and talking about it at length. Please take the time to talk to me. Call me on the phone, or grab me at rehearsal, or wherever. I do not profess to be the authority on this subject. I'm studying it too. But together we can have a conversation over it and I can show you what I've learned through talking with the other Pastors and Elders and reading the scriptures. Or if you're around one of the other Pastors or Elders, ask them.

Love you guys.