Monday, January 11, 2010

Romans 12

Romans 12

Okay. This chapter is kind of a love-hate chapter for me! Love the first half... the second half just reminds me of how selfish and non-Christ-like I can be.

First half: doesn't get any better than verse 1: [...] present your bodies as a living sacrifice [...] which is your spiritual worship. This is a reference to John 4 (the Samaritan woman). Remember Jesus said to worship in truth and in Spirit. We can stand on the stage and sing "truth" all day long. If we don't live lives of worship that actually reflect the character of God... then are we really worshiping at all? (That's not a rhetorical question.... the answer is NO!)

Classic Paul: First he tells you what the end goal is... In a nutshell, live your lives worthy of the Gospel. Then he tells you how to do it: Vs. 9-21. This is where practical servanthood and the Law differ. If you study the law, which every good Jew does, just like they did back then, then you'll see that there is no way that any human being could fulfill it. And like I mentioned before in one of the earlier posts, Paul makes it specifically clear that the Law is not bad. Nor is it for the purpose of us to actually be able to live our lives according to it. Its purpose is to show the righteousness of God. But then Paul points out here in Romans 12 that it's okay. No one can live up to the law.... and that's a good thing! Not because we can't do it, but because Jesus DID it! And now, Paul gives a new directive: Love each other and try to outdo each other in our service to one another, just as Jesus served those around Him. And how do we serve each other? (BTW, I don't know if anyone else has noticed this or not, but for quite awhile now, our blog has been almost mirroring everything Pastor Erik has been talking about, week for week! It's kind of freaky!) How do we serve each other?

Well, just as Erik talked about yesterday, we must surrender to Christ, and then surrender to His call on our lives. We have to recognize, just as verses 3-8 point out, that each of us have been given different gifts for the purpose of building up each other!


  1. I believe this is a very important chapter as far as direction if we say we love Christ. For what God has already done I know others are like me and feel inadequate and undeserving. So do we think sometimes what more we could do to serve a God that has already done everything. If we are his children we are all called to service. Worship is much more than just being at service on Sunday morning. It is every part of our lives. The smallest of things can be an act of worship when done for God's glory.
    Our testimony is not only words but what our lives say. We are the light we project to ones who know Christ and ones who don't.
    My wife has been that light for me. She also serves on the church cleaning crew and they are few for that size building. I sometimes help because they really need it. It has opened my eyes to loving God, spiritual gifts, and truly serving. Playing and singing on stage is absolutely no more important than cleaning a bathroom or taking out the trash at the Journey. Maybe less!!
    I pray that all our eyes will open to what is needed to carry the word forward. Never to think someone else will take care of it. We are all that someone else!! And may God bless all that do serve.

  2. I agree with Robbie that this is a love-hate chapter. I love it cause I want to use gifts to edify Christ just like Erik was talking about on sunday.(And yes I think it's a little freaky how our blog is mirroring his teachings) I do not know what my gift is but hopefully by following and listening to Christ he will show me!

    I like verses 12-13 I do not think we help each other out enough it talks about inviting people home for dinner having people stay the night if they need a place to rest. I think if we help each other out we will become stronger in the Lord and continue to grow together and come together as a church.

    Danny- I absolutely agree with you that our eyes may be open to what is needed to carry the word forward!!

  3. I am really glad that Paul gives us clear directions as to what to do during our time here. And this chapter especially stands to show us where we're lacking. If you're not doing these things, then you need to be!

  4. I like this chapter, but I find it hard not to crave to act when I see injustice. I think I want to act more when it is on the behalf of someone else and not myself.

    I guess I tend to want to say... Vengance is mine sayeth the Lord, but Lord let me be the instrument which you use.

    But in all seriousness I wish I had more of a kill them with kindness attitude than I do. I find harboring unforgivness creates a gap in between me and Jesus. Something I contantly try to get better at.

  5. This chapter strikes two areas for me. The first mirrors what Erik spoke on Sunday about why we we serve to get God lifted up or do we serve to get ourselves lifted up.".3For(G) by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you(H) not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment"
    Thats a spirit check for sure!! To make certain our service is with a giving heart regardless if it goes noticed or not.

    Secondly __ 14(AF) Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.

    I struggled with this one for a long time. Being from a broken marriage, I harbored ALOT of anger, hatred, jealousy...all of the above toward my ex husband. Lots of hurtful things were said and done, and for many years, even after I was remarried and very happy, if I heard something that he had said about me I went right back to those feelings. Its really just been in the last 3 or 4 years that I have been able to let go and forgive him and let things slide off my back that I hear now. I have even found myself praying for him and his family! Now if that's not God at work on this old soul I dont know what is!! I think God has shown me to try and look at what else may be going on in a persons life that would make them act like they do and let my emotions feed on that instead of the negative. Not always easy...Im from Lebanon it's inbred to get your neck red sometimes HAHA...but I am better today than yesterday, but not as good as I'll be tomorrow hopefully!!!

  6. What I appreciate so much about this chapter is the specific things to do to honor God, especially the smaller ones that aren't as obvious.

    Our Small Group this week talked more about our spiritual gifts, and still as adults many of us say we don't know exactly what ours are, which I completely understand, but I want to challengs us all to really look for some of the small things. Remember, not every part of our bodies is as "seen" or "noticed" as our eyes, but they all work togehter for us to function. Just because you don't have a gift that is like Erik's gift of teaching, doesn't mean it isn't important. I like Danny's comment about cleaning the church, too many of us overlook opportunities like taht.

    How many more things could have been included in Paul's list of instruction, the list should go on: if cooking, let them cook for those who are hungry; if compassion, give to those who are hurting; if prayer, pray for this church; if networking, assist those in need of work... You get my point, what else can be done?

  7. I love this chapter as well. I've never taken a chapter and studied it for a year, but that's what I've decided to do with this chapter. It's just filled with so many scriptures we can take into pretty much any situation: work, church, your home, your personal walk. I want to know it inside and out and truly be a woman who is transformed by the renewing of my mind (v2).

    I also really like the section on how we should use our gifts. Philip I agree with what you said. I think when we talk about people's gifts, we equate them with greatness. Greatness to us and greatness to God are completely different. It's easy to be jealous of people who have great musical, speaking, acting, or athletic talent, to name a few. But, God has gifted as all uniquely and that in itself is a gift. I think the things we are naturally good at are the gifts that God gives us to use for his glory. We should be good stewards of them and become skilled in our gifts, but only to bring Him more glory, not ourselves. Every moment is worship. Not just being on stage or behind a sound board. Our worship isn't 20 minutes on Sundays. It's every moment.

  8. I really like this passage. Especially since it says to not think highly of yourself. (v3) Sometimes it's easier for me to witness by putting myself above whoever I'm speaking to, and that's wrong.

    I heard a story from one of my classmates who went to IHOP (International House of Prayer). He told of a group of guerillas who were terrorizing a large group of people. A group of Christian missionaries asked if they could serve them, clean their toilets, serve their food, and so on. Of course these guerillas didn't want to do all the "dirty" work, so they accepted. The Christians said they would only do all of those chores if they got one hour a day to preach the Gospel. So the Christians got to work and God also began a work in the hearts of the guerillas. I don't know all the details, but I know hundreds to thousands of the guerillas turned their lives over to God, drove to the police and handed over all their weapons! To think, all this was possible because some Christians took this verse (v20) to heart and God used that as a doorway that he flung open and let the light shine in!
