Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mark 10

Mark 10

Philip here, and I love the story of Jesus with the children. I am perplexed at times as to why the disciples were trying to keep the children away, but I can assume there was a large crowd and that after being pressed for long periods of time they were tired, irritable, frustrated, etc. No excuse, but Jesus’ words here really spoke to me through a song called “Fingertips and Noses” by Newsong back in the ‘90’s (so weird to think that was a LONG TIME AGO!) The sentiment of the song is a children’s class at church, and they are learning about how Jesus was sacrificed, raised from the dead, ascended to heaven and then one day will return. With childlike anticipation, all the kids run to the window to see Jesus coming from heaven, and they leave finger and nose prints on the window. Beautiful visual of how kids don’t let their unbelief get in the way, they simply believe!

The other thing that has always been a challenging verse for me is in the story of the rich young man. First of all, I wish we knew exactly what they meant by rich in this passage, but I have to consider that I would fall into the rich category as I am in the top percentages in the world in income, and have lots of stuff. Jesus is speaking to a man that follows the law and considers himself a “good person”, but with the question he is asking he is clearly looking for something else, or feels incomplete in his salvation. Jesus knows that his vice is selfishness. He keeps more to himself than he gives. Verse 23 is a tough one, often discussed and probably often misunderstood. I did a little research and found an account that the original Greek actually was written as kamilos (meaning rope) rather than kamelos (meaning camel). Easy to get hung up on this, but even if it is a rope trying to pass through a needle eye or a camel trying to pass through a narrow gate in Jerusalem called the eye of a needle, the key point is the same. Anything is possible with God. Jesus is trying to impress upon them just how powerful God is. He can move mountains, he can accomplish things that man cannot, such as either example above.

What really resonated with me today is the combination of these two, I want to believe with childlike anticipation, that any situation I am faced with, God can accomplish, no matter how impossible it may seem.



  1. That is a very, very interesting post. One letter separates rope from camel.

    18And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone..."

    I had an interesting conversation about this particular passage about a week ago. The person I was talking with believed they were a good person because he has done good things. Besides telling him the good things he has done were already owed to the Father, I explained he must call himself bad because he also does bad things. He considered the arguement then I continued to inch closer to the verse above, "You call yourself good because you do good things, yet you must also call yourself bad because you do bad things. The only way to be truely good is to do all good deeds and NEVER do a bad deed. Thus, they only thing which meets such a standard is God."

    Now, one might question, "Why is Jesus asking the man, 'Why do you call me good?'" Jesus is making a statement about who He is. Essentially he's saying, "Why are you calling me good? Because there is only one that is good and I am He. I am good because I am without sin; holy and blameless!"

  2. I know some people who have been through divorce and a friend who is in the process. Reading about what the bible says about it is interesting.

    I know that sometimes there are circumstances that this is neccessary but I can also see the pain that it causes because God wanted it to be two people bound together by their love for eachother and God.

    Just my thoughts on the first part.

  3. Verse 21 really got my attention. The rich man has ask the question about eternal life. Jesus tells him he lacks one thing. Sell whatever you have, give to the poor, follow me, and you will have treasure in heaven.
    Jesus loved the rich and poor alike. The man stated that he had kept the commandments; Jesus knew this was not true. Not for any of us!! The Lord's answer to the man's question meant no harm, but was out of love and for his own good. If I understand correctly??; the mans money had become his God. Jesus in other words told the man that the money God had to go, open the heart and let the lord in.
    This speaks to me so strong because I see a world so full of this character. We all and I do mean all; allow things of the world to become our God from time to time. We don't see it always but it happens. I'm thinking right now what it would be like if we could completely not allow this to happen. How would it change things for us? How strong the spirit would be in our lives? How much easier could the spiit make progress in how we live.

  4. This chapter touches on three very important characteristics that are completely relevant and extremely significant today: upholding commitment, childlike faith, and knowing what to put your concentration and desire towards.
    Divorce’s ramifications are emphasized by the countless families and children affected. There are reasons God’s design is for marriage to be a lifelong bond. The importance of this lifelong bond is displayed through Jesus’ words “…what God has joined together let no man separate”. But sin’s effects in a marriage are also highlighted by Jesus’ words “It was that your hearts were hard that Moses wrote this into law [this being the validity of some divorces]”.
    Childlike faith is not knowledge less faith or an ignorant one. It is one that is fully trusting and selflessly trusting; one signified by the lack of self-sufficiency. This is an important characteristic as it displays your true devotion.
    From a timeline perspective, if all events of the world are put in line with eternity, those events would arguably be nonexistent. This also puts the importance of money and things in the same perspective. One thing that will be relative and in existence is love and how you cared for others, not yourself.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I was really convicted by the story of the rich young man. And, then Erik's message on Sunday drove the point home even further that we can't put our material possessions in front of God. Jesus spoke the truth to him and the man went away sad because of all that he had.

    I am a sentimental person and I put value on Things that I've been given. I believe there is a fine line there that I have to be cognizant of. I can't let those Things be more important to me than what God calls me to. I can't let them get in the way or keep me from doing what He commands.

    PS: Shawn didn't try to post then delete it. He was logged in and I didn't realize it, so I deleted it. :)

  7. Being a divorced person I have always struggled with how God would judge me. I think I did everything I could to salvage my first marriage but when two people are growing apart instead of closer and life becomes unbearable for everyone involved you have to make a life changing decision. For me it was to end my marriage. Now saying that Im not saying that God couldnt have fixed my marriage had we sought after Him to do so. I was so unhappy I didnt think there was anyway to change my heart. I had begun to hate which is a sin and I knew that if I didnt get some distance I would just keep hardening my heart towards life. I prayed and asked forgiveness and had some peace with my decision. When I met Mike he was so different than any man I had known before. I asked God if this was his plan for me. I wanted to make sure that if I entered into another relationship that it would have God's blessings on it. I know what the bible says about divorce, but I also know that God had to have a plan for me because my marriage is so strong and built on good foundations. I know God has blessed my marriage and I feel that this is the path Im supposed to be on. I dont think anyone who goes through a divorce will ever stop wondering what God will say when there life is over. As a christian I have to believe that God has forgiven the sins of my past life and that he takes joy in the life I lead now with Mike and my family.

  8. The conversation between Jesus and the rich young man has always made me think. Was Jesus saying that being rich is a sin? I don't think so. I have always wondered what he was lacking. Was it a love for his brother? Was he greedy with his wealth? Or was he only willing to do what was comfortable for him in order to inherit the Kingdom of God? Had money become his god?
    This passage has always troubled me in the fact that if I was in that man's shoes what would I have done? I am not rich by American standards (not even close), but I can't honestly say that I would have sold everything I owned either.
    In short, this passage leaves me with more questions than it does answers, but it does cause me to examine my own heart.

  9. This past Sunday's message dealing with living for God or living for the World really hit home for me. There are countless times where I have thought" man I wish I had... or it would be awesome if I had....." Then shortly after saying those things I just feel really bad. There are Times when I have to just stop and say "Enough." My biggest problem is "I" try to do to much. It has taken me a very long time to realize that I need to step out of the way and Let God guide me. When I heard the message this past Sunday a verse just popped into my head and I had a hard time trying to relate this verse to Sundays message. The Verse was Mark 12.17 "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s." What I was having trouble with was if I render unto Caesars what Is Caesars am I being more worldly than Godly. I was really worried about this until I talked with Pastor Erik and thought more about it. I believe that whether you are the richest man in the world or the poorest person in the world. It all boils down to your intent. Only we know our own motivation in what we do. I wish I could say that everything that I have done has been to honor and glorify God, but I would be lying. I am thankful that I have a forgiving God that knows that I am Broken and has paved the way for me to be forgiven. I know I have went a lot of different directions with this post but I have to write one more thing. There is a verse that I have been thinking about a lot over the past month. The verse is Revelation 3:16. This verse is my biggest fear personally as a Christian. I would never want to be lukewarm in Gods eyes. Then I see this verse in an email today and I realize that it is time for me to turn up the heat and get boiling... I am new to the Journey. I have been involved with the Church for about a Month now and I thank God every night for the people that I have meet and for putting me in a place where I can grow in Christ and have wonderful people around me to share the walk with. It is something I have been missing for a long time now. All I can say is God Bless you guys! <3

    Rob Guffey

  10. I guess the part of this passage that sticks out to me would have to be verses 13-16. Where Jesus is talking about having child like faith I wish we could all have that kind of faith.
    We get in our day to day routine and go about it and not necessarily forget about God but put him on the back burner. He needs to be first above any other worldly thing. I really like the part of it where he says "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

    I pray that we all may have a child like faith for we shall all inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

  11. Many times I see myself as the "Rich Young Man" in the sense that I put value on my wordly things and cling to them. I try to test myself by taking something I have that has sentimental value for me and asking myself if I would give it up. Sometimes the answer I have is not the one that would be pleasing to God. A lot of times I use the argument in my head that "I'm not as bad as that person," or "I'm a good person," and that's just wrong.

    Another thing that I found pertained to me about this passage was the part about divorce. It is interesting reading about it since my mom went through a divorce. And I believe that God's intentions for marriage were and are very sacred, and he knew the hurt that would come from a broken marriage. Which is why he puts such an emphasis on not breaking the bonds of it. But I also know in my heart that God doesn't judge people for mistakes that are made, that's why his son died for us. Sometimes its not safe for the kids or parent to stay with that person because they chose a path that wasn't God's desire. God is a forgiving and loving God, I am so thankful He sent His son to die for us. Aren't you?
