Monday, July 27, 2009

Psalm 150

Hello everyone. Well, this is the first post for our blog. I'm excited about doing this. I hope you all are too.

I know there has been some talk about what this is really going to be like, so let me quickly give you guys a brief rundown. The purpose of this blog is to just create some community between us and give us a chance to get into the Word. I don't expect you to leave a book for a comment. A simple 1 or 2 sentences of your thoughts are good. However, if you continually want to check in and see what other people are saying, and comment on their thoughts, I encourage that! That is where the community will come, through our discussion.

Things to not worry about: No one here is a biblical scholar. So you don't have to feel like you need to be one to comment. I REALLY want you guys to just say what's on your heart, so don't feel like you have to be eloquent in your speech. There is no grade for this. Trying to impress the teacher won't get you any brownie points, though bringing me brownies will! LOL. No one is going to judge you for your thoughts or comments. (However, please make sure that your comments are appropriate for the blog. Any sideways sneers or derogatory comments won't be acceptable.) You don't have to worry about not understanding something. If you have a question, ask it. This is to be a learning tool. If I can't answer your question, someone else will, if they can't, we'll go ask someone who can.

So here's how this works: If you see something highlighted, for instance the subject of this post: Psalm 150, that is a link. You can click on it and it will take you to wherever the link goes. In this case, it will take you to biblegateway. This is an online bible resource that has just about every translation of the bible you can imagine. And it's free.

Psalm 150: This is an instruction Psalm. It gives an insight on how to praise God. Of course it says to praise Him with a bunch of instruments, but I think the underlying message is this: Don't be afraid to let go and praise your Creator. He is worthy to be praised. And we have been given a gift of music, one that a lot of people don't have. And so, it instructs us, the musicians and people with technical abilities to Praise Him with whatever we have at our disposal, so that the church can be led into worship. Those are my thoughts. What are yours?

How you comment: At the bottom of a post, you will see something that's highlighted and probably, right now, says 0 comments. If you click on that, you will be taken to a new window where you can leave your comments. If you don't have a google ID, it will ask you to create one. It's simple. Just enter an email address, the password for that email address, and you will have a google account. (this is really good to have anyway. you can access a lot of other research and cool google tools by having one. Also you can create a home page with tons of widgets on it. Mine has a language translator, the game "Hangman", doppler weather radar, blog feeds that i like to visit, and a bunch of other stuff. So create one, if you don't have it, and leave your comments.)

That's it, kids! I look forward to hearing what God is putting on your hearts! Now, go read Psalm 150 and tell us what you think.

Love you all!



  1. This passage always makes me laugh a little. I think David was going through a "mountain top" experience. you know the kind that leaves you a little hyper. I can see him screaming this at the top of his lungs in the field, trying to think of how many things that makes noise and then just decides ... "ok, EVERYTHING, whatever it may be just PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!" That is what we call being on fire for the Lord! LOVE IT!

  2. Great thoughts, Rodney. That's how David was, though. He was sold out! I always laugh at him too, because, there wasn't anything that ever embarrassed him. Like when he was running through the streets in his underwear... remember, his wife shouted down from the window that he was being a disgrace. He told her that he would go to much more embarrassing lengths to worship God, if that's what it took. He didn't care! And neither should we. When we worship God, we should sell out too. He is our ONLY audience. He must become greater, and I must become less.

  3. Really puts into perspective of how we should be going about our worship. Praising instead of just playing. Would like to see something about a cow bell in there.

  4. The part that really grabs me is the last verse: "Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord!" That includes a lot of living beings, but how much more important for the creation that God called "great" to follow this call! David inspires me to quit making excuses for gifts I don't have to praise God with, and start praising God in everything I do, even with a cow bell!

  5. Word to the cowbell! Donnie, Patrick, Tyler.... you guys get on that! Great posts guys. Looking forward to the conversations over the rest of the week. So, let me ask you guys something... Philip brings up a stellar point. Rather than make excuses for why what we don't have, what are some things in your lives that you have that you can use for worship? For me, it's my outgoing personality. I could be better at inviting people in and not just keeping my friends circle tight and closed.

  6. it really makes me think how lucky we are to be able to praise the Lord. As Philip said it really makes you want to start praising God in everything we do. We need to be examples for everyone that we encounter in our lives!

  7. If we are dull in the worship of the lord our God, we are not acting consistently with what we say we believe.

  8. I agree with Jon that it makes me realize how lucky we are to be free to worship as loud and as often as we want. People get persecuted for their beliefs and we live in a country where we are free to openly express ours and yet somehow we hold back. I know I need to work on that..everyone knows how loud I am in every other aspect of my life...I need to bring it to worship.

  9. I love reading everyones comments. The thing that stood out to me as I read it from the NLT is that is begins every line with "Praise Him." It's as if David is saying, "if you don't hear the rest of the sentence, at least catch this 'Praise Him!'"

    I think that is a lesson for us to all learn. Our job, whether as a worship/tech/Sunday morning team, is to praise Him. If we don't do that, the rest doesn't matter.

    Looking forward to seeing and hearing all of your thoughts.


  10. As a newbie to the group I have found new meaning to this passage just being up there and the emotions that can run through you as we play at least for me. There are just certain moments and you say, "Yep, that's what having God in your presence is about"

  11. I love everyone's insight, especially more cowbell! That may become my next venture; learning to play cowbell... Seriously, though, this passage made me think of the scripture that talks about "when you do you anything, do it to the glory of God." I am guilty of dwelling on what I don't have and this reminds me to praise God in every circumstance. His gifts are too many to count!

  12. This passage reminds me of how young children act in life. They have no hesitancy, no reservations, no worry of embarrassment or of being different- something we sadly start to lose as we get older in life, yet something we gain again through being able to "Praise Him" freely. Let's continue to "Praise Him" like a child would- dancing, singing, and worshipping freely- without hesitation or reservation. We are all blessed with being different and being able to "Praise Him" in our own unique way,and should take advantage of every opportunity we have to do so.

  13. To me music is so spirtual, when everyone is feeling the presence of God due to the music we provide it is amazing. God has blessed us with our voices and instrument talents and I am grateful that we make joyful noises. As we mature as a team, I look forward to many weeks being as surreal as worship was a few weeks ago when we sang "With Everything". That song is so powerful and brought a unity to our church. May we strive to truly PRAISE HIM with everything we have each and every Sunday!

  14. The scripture that says to "Praise Him in His sanctuary" just really struck me. I think so many times I am trying to sing God to "our" sanctuary. When really, He's already there and has in fact always been there. I'm the one who is a guest in His sanctuary. This passage just reminded me that God is always there, and I am meeting Him in His sanctuary. It was just one of those "Aha!" moments for me, where I had know it...but it just never clicked.

  15. am loving the first line where David specifies that our place of worship does not have to be specified. Check out the Message translation- "Praise God in his holy house of worship,
    praise him under the open skies."
    I don't know about anybody else, but my favorite place to worship God is outside, under the open sky, and usually somewhere up high where no one else is around. A mountaintop, a rooftop - two of my favorite places b/c I feel so close to the presence of God (though I know He is omnipresent). To me, David sounds obnoxiously excited. Coming up with a variety of possibilities for praise. Each form of praise is unashamed. It is so awesome that we have the opportunity to demonstrate and lead others in this unashamed worship. Worship is not just music, but music is a form of praise in which we can praise our Savior with our full being. My prayer is that we can do that every week, pouring out our praise from our hearts as well as from our instruments.

  16. I love David's exuberance in this Psalm. I think He was speaking out of the overflow of God's presence in His life and grasping for words that would express what worship would look like if we gave God the kind of worship that He really deserves--everything. That is our "reasonable service," being a living sacrifice. Pouring out everything that we are as an offering to Him, holding nothing back from the God who created us, pulled us out of the pit, brought us into the Kingdom of Light, and continues to give us breath and life each day! That is what I plan to do tomorrow!!! I stopped caring a long, long time ago what people thought about it. I come to worship God and God alone:)

  17. This passage is what last night (praise night) was all about! After I left the stage I just stood in the back and watched the crowd. It was just as fulfilling and inspiring to watch everyone as it was to listen to the music or play the music. Miranda hit one of the power notes on Revelation Song and at least 100 hands raised up to God all at once like they were all on cue! People were literally dancing in the isles! The Journey Church lived out Psalm 150 last night. Praise God for that.
