We talk all the time about our attitude, and what it should be when we worship. We throw around words like, gratitude, humility, brokenness, joy, wholeheartedness.... etc. But what do those things really mean? What does the Bible say about them?
I think this is something that we NEED to investigate, if we are to call ourselves worshipers, and leaders of worship. Our church, and the Church as a whole, needs to know what it means to worship. We talk about this all the time. We say, "Well, if WE are truly worshiping, then our church will see that and be drawn to it." I believe that that is true! I truly believe that when people see God's children engaged with Him, intimately, they can't help but want that for themselves. It's because that's how we were designed. We were designed to want to worship Him. But how can they see that, if we don't understand what it means to worship Him with humility, brokenness, joy... etc.?
I found a great article that listed a bunch of scriptures that references each of these qualities. I've linked them all in this blog. I want each of you to try and look at them all. Just click the links and you'll be taken to the scriptures that reference them. They are short and to the point. But some of them are going to speak different things to each of us. So, here's your "assignment", so to speak. Pick two that you really keyed on and explain what you think. Again, we don't need a book! You don't have to try and write something profound or brilliant. By sharing what God shows you, you will be writing something profound and brilliant! (see how that works!) I'll start.
Justice: I was floored by this scripture! God says, as plainly as He possibly could, that he isn't interested in my songs or my singing, or my talent, or my offering. He even call's them, and I quote, "Noisy hymns of praise!". Why? Does God not liked to be praised through song? NO! That's not what He's saying. He says that if my heart isn't right, that if I'm not living a life that exemplifies worship all the time, then He doesn't want my songs on Sunday. It's nothing more than a peace offering for the week that I spent ignoring Him!
Purity: This Leviticus passage is weird! Let's be honest... the entire book of Leviticus is weird! It's a very hard book to read. For a lot of people, they feel like it is the "Rule Book" of the Bible. It's full of crazy things you shouldn't do! However, we must remember. The Israelites didn't have a Saviour yet. And just as Erik talked about, before Christ, they had "the Law". And when you have a bunch of "laws" to live by, they begin to leave questions about boundaries. So, what happens? You start having to justify those questions by adding more boundaries to the already existing law. This passage talks about the sacrifice being pure before God. That If you don't present a perfect animal for the sacrifice, it is not worthy and God will not acknowledge it. The beauty is... we have already had the perfect sacrifice. It was Jesus. And so, while this passage doesn't apply to us, in that, we don't sacrifice cows and goats to atone for our sins anymore, we do offer ourselves. That is our worship. We cannot come before God to worship, harboring anger, malice, pride, or any other junk in our heart. We have been given the perfect sacrifice. We MUST lay that down at the cross and ask God to purify our hearts before we worship Him. And since we are to live a life of worship.... (you can connect the dots here!) then we must do this daily. Only when we truly ask Jesus to clean our hearts and repent (which is not the same as confessing. To repent means to acknowledge our sin and turn from it. To make every effort to not return to that behavior) then we can truly worship Him.
Those are my thoughts. Tell me yours. And please, guys and gals, don't just click on two of them and then comment on those two. Please, try to look at all of them. You don't go to a restaurant and ask them to only tell you about two things on the menu! You look at everything... and then make your choice!... (I'm just saying!) Living a life of worship involves all of these things. We need to know what God says about all of them!
Love Y'all.
Honesty (John 4:23), Gratitude and Reverence (Hebrews 12:28), Faith (Hebrews 11:4), Righteousness (Malachi 3:3), In the Spirit (Phil. 3:3), Humility and brokenness (Psalms 51:15-19), Purity (Leviticus 22:18-22)
Wholeheartedness (Deut 6:4-6; 1 Chronicles 29:6-9), Joy (Phil. 4:4, 1 Chron. 15:16)Loyalty (Hosea 6:4, 6), Justice (Amos 5:22-24), Simplicity (Exodus 20:25), Self-giving (Ephesians 5:1; Romans 12:1)