Monday, August 10, 2009

Let the Young Rule!

Hey everyone. I'm really enjoying this blog. So many of you are posting regularly and even a couple times. Please continue to do so. It's encouraging to see all of us grow like this.

So, the Journey is a young church. We have some relatively young leadership (compared to most churches). And all throughout the scriptures God appointed people who weren't necessarily the most qualified, or seasoned, to do His will. I know that we are going to get some push back as to who our leaders are.... we're young, we're rebellious, we don't have a respect for authority and customs, we aren't reverent enough.... Blah Blah Blah! And most of them will be talking about how we do things sooo differently from what church "Should" be (that is... according to how they see it)

My question is... are we qualified? Do we need tons of experience to be effective? Do we carry the authority to be His witnesses? Here's what the scriptures say. You tell me what it means to you. Jeremiah


  1. Are we qualified to lead as young people? No... we aren't qualified, but we are appointed and annointed to do so. God uses the uneducated, and those who were once far from him ... He also uses young leadership.

    We definately have authority because He has given it to us. I think that as young people/ or a young church we can be powerful. I think the main reason is because we lead through Christ in an awareness of our inability. Being young and realizing without God none of this is possible is, simply put, humility.

    I do think it is important to not use it as an excuse though... Like oh its okay I did this because I am young. God has appointed us and we need to live in a way that is worthy of the Gospel. Easier said than done though.

  2. I agree with Jess's comments. Especially in realizing that we can't do it without God. The bible calls us to be like children in our faith. When I think of a child dependent on his father, I think of trust, security, faith that needs are met, impressionable (teachable) mind, and a willingness to be led.

    So, I think God qualifies us when we show our trust and faith in Him, are teachable, and are willing to be led where He goes.

    There's something awesome about being part of a young church. We all have a strong desire to make it work and we're not willing to settle for "that's just the way it's always been done."

  3. The following was taken directly from, and is often taught in Collegiate Business Management Classes:

    *******Are leaders born or developed? Are you a born leader?
    -Leaders aren't born. Neither are great artists, but both are born with potential.
    If being a leader means challenging the status quo, then you need youthful rebelliousness to stand up and be counted. This is a character trait you were born with or developed very early in life - it is not a learned skillset.
    To lead, you need the following traits or qualities:
    -a spirit of adventure - the urge to explore, break new ground, challenge the status quo, stand up for what you believe, risk rejection, rebel against authority, innovate.
    -an ability to influence - by example, logical argument, enthusiasm, persistence or painting a visionary picture.
    -something you think is worth saying, to improve the world around you.
    -the courage to speak out and the willingness to risk group rejection.
    -it doesn't require a drive to dominate people, only a desire to differentiate yourself, to make your mark. **********

    To me, every aspect of positive leadership is God driven. The best leaders I have known, both in my professional career and on a personal level, no matter what age, race, denomination, have one thing in common- they put God first and foremost in their lives. If it takes Young Leadership to get the message out to those who are in desperate need of it, then that is what God is going to bring us. That is what God has brought us to the Journey. For every person out there that criticizes that we do things so differently from what a Church should- there's ten people whose lives have been changed because of the Churches that are out there doing things in this exact manner.

  4. The Journey is young and has many young leaders that I believe are on fire for God. I believe God has also given this church authority. The lord said (and before you were born I selected you). (Do not say you are too young but go tell them everything I commanded you to say). (Do not be afraid I am with you). At times I feel insecure because I've gotton older. Washed up? A lot of the less then I use to be's. However, I believe the scripture would read the same with the words too old. And maybe even say I'm still with you.

  5. Young...old. Age is just a number and doesn't mean a whole lot. Experience on the other hand is very valuable. I am a 'sports-a-holic" and experience is often brought up as the reason why this team won and that team didn't. We can all attest to the fact that when we have encountered something before, it is easier to handle the next time. That gives us all the more reason as young leaders we make every effort to experience God as often as possible, so that experience can guide us as we lead. God seeks willingness, not perfect vessels, otherwise we would have no leaders at all. Let's be willing to serve and seek encounters with God every day, young or old, and we will remain in tune with God's guidance with our offering of service.

  6. My first thought was that God is not too hung up on qualifications. I'm thinking of Samuel, David and Paul. The first two were very young when they were called to serve God and Samuel was the one who anointed David as God instructed him (pretty cool, I think- the formerly young, now wise leader "initiating" a young and soon-to-be king). Paul murdered Christians. He had no experience in religion but he did have a zeal and God transformed that into a zeal for His Kingdom and purposes.

    I think Molly is spot on and I love the stuff she pulled from that leadership site. I do not think age matters at all. It certainly did not to God (and God's character is constant). I do think that one distinguishing factor found more often in younger generations is the proclivity to change and be accepting of change. Also, I believe the young are accompanied by an audacity that is sometimes lost with age.

    The most important thing, I believe, is to act when God appoints you. I do not think God has ever been or ever will be limited by age. However, I do think man sometimes lacks the confidence to trust the words and deeds that flow out of youth. Wisdom can prevail moreso in the young than in those "seasoned" by life. I love a church body that incorporates people from all walks of life because I think it is then that we can best learn from different perspectives.

    That was a lot of rambling so I'll sum my thoughts up by saying a young, ripe age can be a strength in church leadership today because it caters to the culture's perception of what/who is effective. With God's direction and anointing, anyone can be effective, so if we are truly following God's direction, I think we are about to shake our community and rock our world.

  7. I agree with Danny. Im not sure age has anything to do with your hearts desire to love God and serve Him and tell the world of all the great things he's done. I think we just have more stories of his works to share because we have been around longer!! Insecurity has no age limit. I still feel like a 'baby christian" sometimes. Like Im not qualified to do the things God has called me to do. To be bold in the areas I need to be bold in. Sometimes I scratch my head at the things God puts on my heart to do and wonder how I will ever accomplish it, but He knows I can. I like how Sarah said that God isnt too hung up on qualifications....and that makes me very very thankful. Who among us has the perfect resume??

  8. Good topic, great comments...
    Let's think about this using God's standard of time. Using God's standard, our time here in this world is just a slight blip in eternity. Psalm 90 says that to God, a thousand years is like grass that comes alive in the morning and then withers in the afternoon. If a thousand years to God is about half of one of our days then, even old wise people (by our standards) have still just been on this earth for a blip in time by God's standard. We may thing of someone who lives 90 years as old and wise, but to God, what's the difference between 20 and 90? Nothing.

    Also, who is any human to question God's power and wisdom by doubting who he appoints and empowers to be leaders of His church? Our God is all-knowing and all-powerful, I'm pretty sure he can give someone the tools they need to lead His church regardless of their age.

    Shelly is exactly right, none of us are qualified to do the things God calls us to do by our own merits. It is only by God's grace and guidance that we are able to do what we do. God's grace and guidance is for everyone, even "young" people.

  9. I'd like to add a different perspective to this. I agree with everyone's comments that age does not matter when it comes to what God calls us to do. HOWEVER! If you are going to reach out and touch lives with the word of God you must have something that you can offer other than your knowledge of scripture or your good deeds. Church is a community more than anything and it is an opportunity to practice our faith and come together in a community of fellowship to praise our Lord. The community must have a diverse leadership both young, old male, female, black, white, hispanic etc in order to fully reach our serving potential. THIS one reason is why the Journey attracted me so much. I get everything I need from this community. I get to learn from the young the old, the middle aged, the college age, the new parents, the newly married.....this is the kind of leadership that attracts the flocks. A place where everyone can identify wtih an aspect of their life.

  10. This scripture is such a relief to read. He knit me together before I was born, and knows the plans He has for me. It's so encouraging to be reminded once again, that God's got my back! I love what Jessi said about God giving us the authority, but how we can't use being young as an excuse. Many times I think, someone else will do it, I'm too young anyway. But this scripture is just a wake up call. God has plans for me, no matter my age, and I'm responsible for following through with what he has called me to do. Scary, but reality is! The fact that we have a young church is so refreshing, because many times I've been to churches where (like Miranda said) "that's the way it's always been done." The Journey is so vibrant and alive, that people are drawn to it! I'm glad that I get to be a part of this awesome movement!
