Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Hey everyone. Sorry I missed posting yesterday. Been trying to think through some things. I have decided that over the next few weeks, we are going to do a book study. Don't freak out! It's not going to be that hard. But I do think that often times we spend a little time on this verse and then a little time on that verse, jumping around all throughout the Bible. What I would like us to do is, over the next few weeks, we are going to go through the book of Romans. We'll take it a chapter at a time. And if it's a long chapter, we'll do it in parts. This week, we are going to start with chapter one. It is a short chapter. It will only take you five minutes to read it. But here's what I want you to do: pick out one thing that stands out to you and comment on it. Here's mine:

Paul talks about bringing a spiritual gift to those he comes in contact with, wanting to encourage everyone, but also wanting to encourage everyone else. This is something that I think we could do better at. Do we just go up to each other and ask, "Hey, I just want you to know that I pray God blesses you today, or this week. Is there anything I can pray for you about?" That's the kind of encouragement that I think we need to be about. We spend a lot of time together. But do we really take that time to get into each other's lives? Are we really fellowshipping with each other? Or are we just being superficial in our relationships? This is something that I want each of you to ponder.

You can feel free to comment on my thought, if you wish, but I do want to hear what stood out to YOU in this chapter.

Love y'all



  1. verse 6: " among whom you also are called of Jesus Christ. "

    The idea of being called just as Paul spoked of being called should be one of the driving factors in our daily walk with the Father.

    And as Robbie said, we will learn to approach one another, expecting to give something to each other, will even be strengthened by knowing that " ... you also are the called of Jesus Christ. "

  2. Romans 1: 8-9
    This is what stood out to me. Robbie has stated many times that our serving is a witness to the church. Even though what we do each and every Sunday may seem small to us, people in the church look at us that we are on fire for the Lord. Our actions go a long way. People see that in our attitudes and the way we act. This puts everything back in to perspective for me, that what we do is not for our good, but for the advancement of God's kingdom.

  3. Romans 1:32 "Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them."

    I think we often use Jesus Christ as a crutch when we commit sin. We feel so confident, in the back of our minds, from knowing that we will be saved because Jesus gave his life for all of our sins, that we sometimes engage in sin despite the fact that we know it is Wrong. I am a true believer in honest mistakes, but I am also a true believer of how differently people would live their lives if they knew that their actions would result in thier own death.

    And it's difficult to maintain relationships with Non-Christians, or even Christians who live sinful lives, and commit acts of sin when you are around. I always pray for the know-how to approach those closest to me about their behaviors in a way that will open up a conversation to help them see, rather than to shut them out with my words.

  4. Verse 16 speaks for itself: "I am not ashamed of the gospel..."
    Wow. How many times have you been afraid to talk to someone about God or say "Praise the Lord" or quoting the Bible?
    He was not ashamed of us. He loved us so much, despite all our sin, that He died for us.
    But we are sometimes afraid to talk about Him. Sad.

  5. In response to Robbie's post, I want to say that our small group is very good at encouragement, not only on nights we meet, but all through the week and I have felt tremendously blessed for that. I NEED, I CRAVE fellowship with fellow believers, because in past experiences, if I do not have that and see how incredible the kingdom of God is, I divert my focus and chase after meaningless things of the earth that may or may not be pleasing to Gd.

    32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

    I know God's law, yet time and again I disobey and sulk in my sin. I do not want God's voice to be far from me because I have drifted far from Him. Instead, I want to focus my gaze on Him so that I can be fulfilled in Him and Him alone, and the desires of my heart will all be found within Him rather than spoiled and unfufilled by chasing after imperfect people or temporal things. I also want to be able to point others to Christ by the way that I live, rejecting things of the world in order to better commune with my creator.

  6. Wow, guys! Great stuff. I'm glad we're doing this. Amy.... WOW! Gut punch! You are absolutely right. I cannot count the times in my past when I've had the opportunity to share God's love with someone and didn't. I hope each day that as I grow more spiritually mature, God would give me those opportunities again. Keep it coming guys! Exciting stuff.

  7. vs. 8-9:8First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. 9God, whom I serve with my whole heart...

    The first thing that stood out was "... your faith is being reported all over the world." I realize this letter was written to more than one person, but it motivates me and convicts me to become the church who is known for its FAITH. I'm sure some churches are known for being stuffy, snobby, edgy, technologically-advanced, you name it. But, my prayer is that word spreads about us because everything we do is propelled by our faith in Christ!

    Second thing was: "God, whom I serve with my WHOLE heart." I know my relationship isn't always whole-hearted. And, now more than ever, do I want it to be! If you're like me and let worldly or cultural desires influence what you've focused on, then stand with me and pray that God will change us and lead us to lay those things down at His feet so we can wholeheartedly seek after Him.

    Good post Robbie.

  8. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

    I think this one struck a chord with me because where I work you will very rarely, if ever, hear anyone talk about their faith or praying or church attendance. On any given day just walking down the hall you can hear a dozen complaints about anything from patients to home life. What I dont hear is alot of praise for blessings. It just seems that when something good happens to someone all you hear is "its about time my luck changed". Never have I ever heard anyone say "I had been praying for that". I've even heard a co-worker say that "God had forgotten her" because she was going through a bad divorce and things werent going the way she wanted. This scripture makes me want to tell them all to look around....take inventory...how can you take in what's around us and not know that God has his hand on it all.
    You could never have an excuse good enough to BLAME God for what's going on in your life..., but you also could never have an excuse good enough not to PRAISE him for what's going on in your life.

  9. Romans 1 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Great stuff in this chapter. I read verses 11-12 and Paul is talking about sharing a spiritual blessing. He said that both you and I will be helped at the same time. Just think if we all did this on a regular basis how powerful it could be. Verses 18-32 very true about the guilt of mankind. Look around and see, understand, we have no excuse, verse 20. On to verse 21, they know God but don't honor him. Their thoughts have become nonsense. They say they are wise but they worship other things. OK, now I'm feeling like its time to inventory myself. Just the other day I was waiting at a major intersection for the light to change. Cars were going every which way. I thought, where are we all going in such a hurry? What really makes sense? How much do I let the world direct my attention away from God?

  10. The part that really struck me, and always has, is the verse that says all men are without excuse. I feel this puts an urgancy on sharing the gospel.

    God has shown everyone parts of himself, and therefore we are able to know God on our own. So those we write off as... they just don't know any better will still be held accountable. Hopefully our actions and life style can be a testimony of how great our God is.

  11. What a great set of comments all around! Encouraging and challenging, just what I need.

    I can't get past verse 1(1 "Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God") without wondering where this conviction started for Paul. Amazing confidence in his part in Christ's church. I have to think it is because he encountered the living God, face to face, and felt the call on his heart. I want that conviction, I pray for that conviction, to introduce myself as someone set apart for the Gospel.

  12. Guys, I'm going to be honest. I thought at first when I asked us to do a book study, not everyone would be that interested. I'm so overwhelmed with everyone's responses that I don't know what to say, except.... thank you all. Thank you for your insight and just speaking what God's word is saying to you. I believe that this is the most productive blog we've had yet, and I'm encouraged to maybe continue down this road for awhile. Philip, I always tend to skip over Paul's introduction in every one of his letters, because they say the same thing. I guess I've never really looked at what he is saying. And to be honest, I see now that without qualifying himself like that, he had NO authority to speak to the church. We ARE set apart for the Gospel. And we MUST understand that. If we don't, we are operating out of our own strength. And what good does that do any of us? None. Jesus Christ, alone, gives us the redemptive life that we have. And because of that, we have been set aside for the Gospel, just as Paul was. I will never read any of those letters again and just lazily skip over that. I think, as Philip so eloquently put it, that we should all fervently pray for that kind of conviction: that we would introduce ourselves as "set apart for the Gospel".

    Great stuff you guys! Keep it coming! Love ya,


  13. "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen." Romans 1:25

    I can totally relate to this because as a high schooler I see people who believe these lies everyday. It's sad to see the people who are resisting God and instead turning to the lies of this world. I struggle with trying to witness to some of my friends because they are so into the lie, that it's hard for them to see the truth. I ask you guys as my Christian brothers and sisters to keep these high schoolers in your prayers. Thanks!
