Well, several things stick out to me in this passage. First and foremost, the last few verses. If you didn't know this already, tons of the songs that we sing come directly from scripture. Not just some creative person's talent and imagination. "The Love of God" comes directly from this passage. I think I saw in an interview that Jeff Deyo had been doing a book study on Romans and out of it, wrote about 10 songs. Interesting, huh? At the Journey, we have a belief and a saying that says: Creativity is the direct result of spirituality. Stands to reason, doesn't it? If you spend time in your walk with God, reading His word, and you are a creative person, don't you think it's only natural that God would birth creative things in your heart, as a result of knowing him more?
Anyway, Vs. 9-10 hit me hard. People are either a son or daughter of God, or they aren't. This passage makes it clear. Paul says that you have either had a life transformation, or you haven't. It's that simple. How many people do you know that say they are a Christian, yet live like God doesn't exist.
Next: 26-27. The Holy spirit intercedes for us. This is something we need to understand. That is the purpose of the Holy Spirit living in us. To connect us to the Father. When you pray, do you still try to make your words pretty and sound significant? Or do you just focus on Him, let your wants and desires go by the wayside and just thank Him for what He's done for you and let the Holy spirit in you lead your prayer?
Finally, and I could pick this entire chapter apart verse by verse because I love it so much, Vs. 33 Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for His own? Read that again.... Paul says this with contempt. Who DARES accuse us, whom God had chosen for His own? If this were medieval times, and someone accused a member of a prominent family or royal blood line of any wrongdoing, they would be instantly put to death. I think Paul is eluding to something similar to this. We know that some day God will stand in judgement of this world. On that day, those who have falsely accused us, persecuted us, ignored us, condemned us, or anything other than celebrate our right standing with Him,.... whew! I don't wanna be around for that! Pain.... lots and lots of pain.... weeping and gnashing of teeth! LOL.