Sunday, November 1, 2009

Romans 5

Romans 5...

As Paul preached the Gospel to the many people, (especially the Jews) he continued to use their foundation of faith to show them who Jesus is and why they needed to believe in him. We see how Paul differentiates between Jesus and Adam. He explains that, as they know, Adam brought sin into the world. And because of that, many have sinned since. He uses this as a measurement of God's grace, saying that, as sin increased, so did God's grace, up and to the point that there was no law that could contain the sin anymore. Therefore, with God's perfect timing, God had to do something bigger than any law could provide. Because of this, Jesus was born, led a perfect life and died sinless. And Paul argues that not many people would just die for a great person, let alone a bunch of sinners. But that's what Jesus did. He died for all. But here's where Paul eludes to the divinity of Christ. He doesn't come right out and say it yet, but it's well known, and he will flaunt this for the rest of the book, pretty much.

He points out that Adams sin brought death. And even Jesus died. But.... until Jesus, no one had ever beaten death and risen again. Paul knew that it was well documented by numerous accounts and many people that Jesus had appeared after His crucifixion, proving that He had defeated death and was truly the Messiah.

The overall point that Paul is trying to make here is that, once we were not rightstanding with God. He even says that we were God's enemies. But now, through the Son, we have been made friends again with God.

This, to me, really strikes a chord. To think that the God of the universe, Creator of heaven and earth, is my friend? WOW! That's a lot to process. I mean, I love my dad with all my heart. And I see him as just that... my dad. But I don't know if I look at him as a friend. My friends are my friends... my dad is.... well, my dad! And He's just my earthly father. To think that my heavenly Father is my "friend"... well, I guess I've never thought about it like that. This is something for me to ponder. What do y'all think?



  1. "God's FREE gift leads to our being made right with God, even though we're guilty of many sins"

    We've all heard many say, "Nothing in life comes free." If you buy a car, and don't make the payments, the bank doesn't let you keep the car as a gracious measure. You didn't keep up your end of the contract, so they come remove the car from your possession, it goes on your credit report, and for years it continues to follow you around reminding you of your mistakes.

    It's amazing how forgiving our God is. He gave us a truly FREE gift of life through Jesus Christ who He sent to die for our sins. He didn't just say, "Well, Adam, you didn't adhere to our contract, so I'm taking the gift of life from you and everyone after you for all of the sins you commit." Is there any greater reward than life in general, but a chance to live life eternally with our creator who has protected us and provided us with all of our needs?

    Nothing in life is free? I beg to differ- God's gift of life itself is FREE! And that is why we are meant to live a life that is right by him. I can't think of a greater gift.

  2. Molly--thanks for reminding me that God never takes his gift back, no matter how bad we act.

    Sometimes friends will abandon us, and sometimes family forgets us, but God never does. Genesis 28:15-"What's more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you."

    When we feel all alone, we need to remember that God is there, through thick and thin--especially the thin.

  3. I think Paul would make an excellent blogger if you ask me. I almost feel like he is a part of our worship team. lol.

    As I read this week so many thoughts are creeping into my head and heart. Jesus died for Barabbus, the murderer they let free so the Jews could kill Him instead. We live a priviledged life. What selflessness our creator has.

    Also to ask a question... I don't know that God's free gift is free in the sense many think of it as. Even though the gift is there we must take it. God may have forgiven our sins but it doesn't free us or save us unless we recognize it. If I say I believe in God, but continually sin against him and never pray to him... when I get to heaven I would guess he wouldn't know me from Elvis... unless you know Elvis is up there.

    So I guess I think God's gift is kind of free. We still have to spend time and choose to have the relationship. We have to choose to trust Him in the fires.

  4. Way to go Amy, posting other scripture references!!!! You get the gold star this week! But seriously, what a passage! To think that God's promise is the same in Genesis that it is in Revelation.... We serve a God of integrity and grace.

    Great thoughts so far. Jess I like that you pointed out that while the gift is free, it does, or did, rather, come at a price. Let us never forget... we can receive it free of charge, but Christ died for it.

    And I really do hope Elvis is in heaven. I'd love to jam with him someday! LOL

  5. When I read through Romans 5 I began really thinking about what the scriptures were speaking to me. While I was pondering a song I sometimes do at the nursing home came to mind. One I believe you all know! (Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed his own blood for my soul.) Verse 2, (It is well with my soul.)

  6. Robbie- When you pointed out that God is not only our Heavenly Father but also our Friend.
    I love thinking of him as my friend also because you always have that difference between a father and a friend. But he is able to be both when you need him.

    It also makes me think of that song "I am a friend of God" I love the version by Phillips, Craig & Dean!

    I love verses 1 & 3
    "Therefore since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jese Christ our Lord has done for us."
    I love being able to know that we have peace with God!
    "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us-they help us endure."
    Although at times we are unable to have joy during the trials. But hopefully we can look back and find joy in the problems we had to go through!

  7. "3 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. 4 And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation."

    I just love this passage because it brings such perspective. Our end goal is where we should focus, even in the fires of life. Life is a process, and everything we go through can be for God's glory, even when we sin, we can testify that God's grace is sufficient for us.

    Can you look back on a time in your life where you went through a trial, and now you can see how you are better for having gone through that? I can only imagine what the persecution Chris went through was like for Him. He had never experienced that before, much like things we go through. But he kept the end goal in mind, knowing this was not only developing his endurance, character, and faith, but also that it impacted the lives of others.

    Our trials not only help us, but the testimony can be so eye opening for others as well.

  8. 2 Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory.

    Underserved privilege..... there will never ever be anything I could do good enough to deserve the sacrifice Christ made for me, yet I will someday share in His Glory. To serve a God that wants me with him for a sinner saved by His grace alone. A perfect love FREE for all. Sometimes it's hard to wrap my mind around it all.

  9. I agree with Shelly. I don't think there is nothin i could do to deserve what Christ did for us. But i also think it is amazing to know we have a father and a friend willing to go through a fire so we could have life a relationship with him. And its free for the taking.

  10. My favorite passage in this chapter is vs. 6: ...Christ came at just the right time...

    It just stood out to me because we often get so impatient with His timing in our lives. But, He knows EXACTLY when to act (or not to) and it brings Him greater glory. It's an encouragement to me that He is the friend you can always count on.

    I also like what Philip said about going through trials or a time of refinement. It's usually painful at the time, but most often I've come out on the other side appreciative for that season. And, even realized that I probably wouldn't have developed a deeper relationship with God if I hadn't gone through it.

    November 6, 2009 7:06 AM
