Monday, November 9, 2009

Romans 6

Romans 6

This is, perhaps, my favorite chapter of Romans so far. Paul finally begins to get into the whole "Jesus is the Son of God" thing.

Having set up the last few chapters with Adam and the law, Paul now tells of Jesus' resurrection, proclaiming that Jesus is alive, and has defeated death. And to me, this is the crux of the entire chapter: verse 16. "Don't you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey?"

He is basically saying: if you choose to obey the law, then you are a slave to it. And you can never fulfill the law, nor can any human obey it. It is impossible, due to our sinful nature. But through Jesus, we can be free of the law, and be a slave of righteousness. And who doesn't want to be righteous?

I love this picture that Paul paints for us. So many of us still try to do our own works to find ourselves in the good graces of God. We have to understand that only by following the way of Jesus can we truly be found in His grace. Because only He was found without sin. I've been having a conversation with the worship leaders recently about idolatry and what we give ourselves to. This is something that we should all wrestle with. If we are not putting aside our sinful nature, then we become slaves to something other than Jesus. And that is idolatry. And God made it clear that we should have no other gods before Him.

Those are my thoughts. What are yours?


  1. Sometimes I believe we think we are walking with Jesus yet we are so of the world. Especially myself! Yes, the world tugs on us often from every direction making it very difficult. Could we sometimes have the belief we are human and that we can't help but sin yet pushing us deeper? I think some of these issues are just simply more of Satin's tactics.
    I do believe the scriptures try to tell us in so many ways that we can live on earth yet under the freedom of God's grace. Yes, human nature is weak and we all would agree to that. However, just think if we all truly would make our best effort every breath living that freedom, how his glory and kingdom would shine.

  2. Wow! Are we blessed or what?!? Verses 4 & 5 are so amazing to me. Just think that the power that God used to raise Jesus from the dead is the very same power that he uses on all of us to save us from the grips of sin. "We will also be raised to life just as he was." Amazing.

  3. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.

    This stood out to me for the obvious reason of using my voice to glorify God, but also using my heart, my hands, my head, my life. Serving without complaining...stretching out a helpful hand, lending an ear..all ways to use your whole body for the glory of God.

  4. I just love this opening! We closed chapter 5 with discussion about how God's grace sets us free from our sinful nature, and many of us would have naturally asked the question that is asked in verse 1 "Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace?" We cannot live this way, and the chapter really upacks that false view, just as Robbie pointed out.

    It was and is clear that though this gift is free for us to recieve, it is a life-long process of change that requires our complete obedience. None of this is exactly easy, especially the deeper we are in our sin. I fear that many non-believers think they have to go from imperfect to perfect, when in fact this chapter is very clear that this is a process, but a process that takes our attention and discipline. We must not only testify that we are imperfect people saved by grace, but that we are in fact trying our best to strive for righteus living, and rejoice in moments of joy and peace.

  5. "When you were slaves of sin, you were free from the obligation to do right."

    I think people often don't understand the responsibility that comes along with being a true Christian, the obligation to put forth an effort to live your life free from sin. Do we all make mistakes? Absolutely, we are far from perfect. But I think certain people don't live their lives "wholly" because they are always asking, "What If?" I know a lot of people that don't go to Church, but claim they are true believers of the Christian Faith, and they consider themselves to be right with God, and believe that He sent Jesus Christ to free us from our sin. When living a life without sin is discussed with them, they ask, "What if there are only a certain amount of people that end up going to Heaven, regardless of how right they lived their lives through Jesus Christ? What if I'm one of those people and I spend my life free of sin, but don't end up in Heaven. Then what have I done it all for?" My response to them has been, "Because it's your responsibility. Because you have received the gift of God's Mercy, and you made a commitment to live your life as he intended it to be. Contrary to what some believe, it's not about us, it's all about Him. Your love for God should be unconditional."

  6. I take this whole chapter as an encouragement to stay focused. Paul reminds us of the price Jesus paid, how He defeated death and how we are no longer slaves to sin through that death. He's so good at breaking things down on an elementary level to make his point. I think we all need that reminder sometimes that we're not bound by the world anymore. Jesus died and freed us. And, while things may get hard, He already went before us and asks us to leave the old baggage behind.

  7. When I read this chapter it just reminds me of what a commitment we have made to Christ. Some might look at Christianity as the easy or a fire insurance, but the truth is that we have committed to make our heart the same as the heart of God. We have given up our rights and Life will be hard, but well worth the end results.

    Interesting that sometimes we may find it hard to make time to write on a blog, read our bible, or pray yet Christ died for me. It puts life into perspective.

  8. I am grateful that God is my master. Sin was an ugly and terrible bondage that destroys lives. I dig verse 23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Not only does sin send me to hell, it causes pain and misery here. Gods grace gives me the ability to be reunited with Him as I walk thru life here and in eternity.
