Monday, November 30, 2009

Romans 8

Romans 8

Well, several things stick out to me in this passage. First and foremost, the last few verses. If you didn't know this already, tons of the songs that we sing come directly from scripture. Not just some creative person's talent and imagination. "The Love of God" comes directly from this passage. I think I saw in an interview that Jeff Deyo had been doing a book study on Romans and out of it, wrote about 10 songs. Interesting, huh? At the Journey, we have a belief and a saying that says: Creativity is the direct result of spirituality. Stands to reason, doesn't it? If you spend time in your walk with God, reading His word, and you are a creative person, don't you think it's only natural that God would birth creative things in your heart, as a result of knowing him more?

Anyway, Vs. 9-10 hit me hard. People are either a son or daughter of God, or they aren't. This passage makes it clear. Paul says that you have either had a life transformation, or you haven't. It's that simple. How many people do you know that say they are a Christian, yet live like God doesn't exist.

Next: 26-27. The Holy spirit intercedes for us. This is something we need to understand. That is the purpose of the Holy Spirit living in us. To connect us to the Father. When you pray, do you still try to make your words pretty and sound significant? Or do you just focus on Him, let your wants and desires go by the wayside and just thank Him for what He's done for you and let the Holy spirit in you lead your prayer?

Finally, and I could pick this entire chapter apart verse by verse because I love it so much, Vs. 33 Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for His own? Read that again.... Paul says this with contempt. Who DARES accuse us, whom God had chosen for His own? If this were medieval times, and someone accused a member of a prominent family or royal blood line of any wrongdoing, they would be instantly put to death. I think Paul is eluding to something similar to this. We know that some day God will stand in judgement of this world. On that day, those who have falsely accused us, persecuted us, ignored us, condemned us, or anything other than celebrate our right standing with Him,.... whew! I don't wanna be around for that! Pain.... lots and lots of pain.... weeping and gnashing of teeth! LOL.


  1. Vs.38- "And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love."

    Just as Robbie speaks about songs coming directly from scripture, there is a song titled, "Mercy" by the Casting Crowns, and it says, "You're greater than my yesterdays, you hold me close today, you're the Lord of my tomorrows." This song speaks significantly to that piece of scripture. And it has spoken directly to me. As you all know, I have experienced three deaths in my family in the last two months. Through this sad situation, I have realized just how true it is that death can't even separate you from God's Love. Our own death, nor the death of others. While some people would start to question their Faith through something like this, this has strengthened my Faith because I have felt surrounded by love and compassion both from the presence of God holding me close, and through the strength and sympathy I've received from my Church family.
    Our lives will be tested, but if we hold the truth about the "Love of God" in our hearts, and live our lives for Him as He intended- Nothing can separate us from God's Love.

  2. I have read this chapter many times before, but verse 26 really stuck out to me this time.

    And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.

    How powerful is that? The Holy Spirit prays for us in a way that cannot be expressed with words. He knows us so well-- inside and out -- better than we even know ourselves. While we are called to pray and call on His name, He knows what we need even before we mention it and more than that, His Spirit is praying for what our words cannot even describe. That is really powerful to me.

    The first section about sinful nature really stuck out to me too. We cannot exist in sin and also in God at the same time. We must choose and while our sin grieves God's heart, He still loves us. That said, He will hold us accountable for living in sin while claiming to live for Him. This is a good reminder for me to continually be in the Word and living in Christ so when temptation of any kind arises, it will be all the easier to turn to Christ instead of turning towards sin.

  3. What you guys have said is echoing something some girls at work and I have been talking about for weeks: acting like a Christian but not living like it. Sometimes we may do this without even realizing it, but I think it is worse when we actively choose to disobey. A wake-up call is necessary--a rude awakening, perhaps, through our circumstances?

  4. I also love verses 38-39
    "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

    I love knowing that nothing on this earth is able to separate us from God. We may still sin from time to time but God is always going to love us and like Sarah said he will hold us accountable for our sins.

    I totally agree with Sarah that if we stay in the Word and live in Christ it will be easier for us to turn to Christ and not sin.

  5. So God did what the law could not do. He sent his own Son in a body like the bodies we sinners have. And in that body God declared an end to sin’s control over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins. 4 He did this so that the just requirement of the law would be fully satisfied for us, who no longer follow our sinful nature but instead follow the Spirit.
    This passage is so amazing to me. He satisfied the requirement for us with HIS SON. How amazing a love. I know I love my children enough to lay down my life to save them, I think everyone does, but to who among us can say that we could give up our son or daughter to save a bunch of sinners??? I think if people would look at the story from a parents perspective it could open their eyes to just what God's love should mean to them. To think about what God gave up for us and then still go and sin....not cool.

  6. Difficult trials, fear, unhappiness, etc, does place doubt in the minds of christians. Spiritual maturity will slow or even stop. This lack of assurance (better called) is really unnecessary for the believer. We always have his word at our finger tips. It's our choice to make time and use it. I know from experience that if I don't make the word a regular his spirit weakens and I begin to drift. Gods word gives us his promise and I believe his plan never fails. What he promises he will do. What amazing satisfaction that brings.

  7. I think that verses 38-39 are my favorite verses in this chapter. To know that nothing that is going on in my life, or has happened, or will happen, can ever take me away from God's love is amazing to me. With as busy as our lives can be, that is very heartening.

  8. Wow... I love this chapter. It really touches on sooo much. I love the verse that speaks about how the holy spirit speaks for us in prayer when we don't have the words. I know that some people skirt around "speaking in tounges" and debate about what that actually means, but I feel like that may be it. When we are in a desparate moment in prayer the holy spirit takes over because we can't express our feelings.

    I also love how it speaks of being unable to separate ourselves from God. It makes sense to me. He created us to look like him... and wishes we would act more like him. So it makes it impossible to separate him from who we are. So cool.

  9. Verse 38-39 I think I had to read that a few times,and take a deep breath. Just to remember all the times in my life I was far away from god. All the trails, tears and broken hearts along the way lead me to a cross and washed my sins away.
    Just to know gods love now, and know that nothing can take that away in life or death, and that nothing on this earth can tear that apart. Though sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it to know gods unending love is there always, makes facing the world alittle easier.

  10. "6 So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace." This speaks to me as we have to transplant our human nature and implant the Spirit, this requires effort on our part. The truth is we belong as prisoners to sin, but have been given the keys to be free. We have to choose whether we are going to let ourselves out or not by accepting the spirit and living in the word allowing the spirit to take control.

    Paul is urging us to recognize that this world, this body, this life is only temporary, and no matter how bad some things may seem, nothing can stand up to God. Really, he created it all, it is under his control. Whose side do you want to be on? "31 What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?"

  11. Verse 18 puts helps put my life’s hardships in perspective. We concentrate so much on the day to day trials but when those trials and difficulties are written out and placed beside this verse we see the big picture. I always dwell on those difficult times in life and fail to truly notice that they are incomparable to God’s grace. Infinite and eternal characteristics are incomprehensible in worldly minds, and that is why I get hung up on trivial defeats and weaknesses. But when we are given the ability to understand God’s infinite grace and eternal life, I believe we will realize that those weaknesses and defeats should not have been hindrances but opportunities to develop and grow faith.

  12. I really liked verse 17. It spoke about us being heirs to God's kingdom. Everytime I read that it blows my mind. God considers me an heir to His kindom. If ever someone thought God was a heartless God, who didn't love, and freely give, then they need to read this chapter. God willingly gives us His kingdom, even when we don't deserve it!

    I also liked the verses 5-8 which spoke of what controls our lives. Sinful nature or God? I've heard all my life "garbage in, garbage out," and I fail to head that warning. I don't always surround myself with God, I don't allow Him to cover me and keep me safe. I venture out on my own, selfishly and foolishly. When I step out from God's will, I am being controlled by my sinful nature.

  13. Several verses stood out to me in this chapter. Vs. 6: To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.

    I was just reminded of different occasions in my life when I've set my mind on the flesh and the pain that resulted from it. It also brought to mind occasions when I've set my mind on the Spirt and the fruit he produced from it. There are things God has enabled me to do through His Spirit that I would never have been able to do otherwise. Most recently, I think about leading worship. It is not in my nature to be front and center and have to publicly address a large group of people. But, I also feel God's urging to do it. I know that when I rely on Him for the strength not just to get through it, but to glorify Him wholeheartedly with my words and worship, He will be glorified! It's so awesome having a God whose Spirit "helps us in our weakness (vs. 26)."

  14. There is sooooo much in this chapter. We could spend weeks just on this chapter alone. Verses 12-14 really stuck out to me. It seems to be so common for people to play the blame game when it comes to sin. It is certainly easier to pass the buck for sin along to someone else or even better some inanimate force. We are not obligated to sin. If we see following the Holy Spirit's guidance as our obligation rather than sin, then we will live.
    That's a pretty black and white statement. Follow our sinful nature=die. Live a spirit led life=live. Pretty simple huh? The best part to me is that the Spirit has the power to defeat the sinful nature. All we have to do is realize that the Spirit is stronger than the sinful nature. It's definitely easier to say that our sinful nature is not our fault, or it was caused by something beyond our control, but it's simply not true.
    It's as simple as this: the Holy Spirit has the power to overcome our sinful nature. We're the ones who get in the way and keep the Spirit from doing so.
